Did you know know that Consider It Done! Personal Assistance is continuing to take great care of our clients amidst the current climate of uncertainty? Did you know that the state of North Carolina considers us to be an essential service? We want to reassure you, our dear clients that our core values of providing errands and personal assistance care with efficiency have not changed and will not change. We are still grocery shopping, picking up meals, prescriptions, pet food, medical supplies & more during the pandemic. We’re still making Costco runs and post office stops and making bank deposits. We will even pick up your laundry from your doorway or porch and return it to you within 24 hours clean, fluffed & folded! (We actually LOOOOOVE doing laundry!)
Rest assured, we carefully utilize strict social distancing and safety measures to keep your family as safe as possible. Please remember to ask about our 25% discount for seniors or shut-ins, good through 5/31/20
Whether you need assistance in your home or business, if you are hesitant to leave your home, or if you have loved ones who are seniors or home bound, we will continue to service you, our valued clients, with the utmost care, integrity and compassion, taking care of any tasks you may need help with. You can call me directly on my personal cell phone number @ (562) 883-2600 or email me @ ConsiderItDoneASAP@gmail.com if you are in need of any personal assistance services at this time any where in The Triangle. Please stay home and stay safe, let us take good care of you, as we have always done.
Sincerely, Sherri Durbin & The Consider It Done! Staff
Contact Us for your personal assistance needs
Do not forget to mention if this service is being purchased on behalf of a senior.